Kogod School of Business

Info For

Our Approach to Learning


Market Impact Hub

Empowerment starts with discovery.

The Market Impact Hub (MIH) is a place for synergistic activities related to research, teaching, generating awareness, creating understanding, and fueling community engagement.

Our vision is to equip future generations with the tools they need to serve as pioneers of modern marketing, a practice marked by moral action and loyalty to advancing consumer well-being. Through a wholesome dedication to issues relevant to the institutions that affect our health, happiness, and the value we place on our existence, the MIH can positively impact lives, communities, and society.

Our Values

  • Scientific Rigor
    We value rigorous research that advances our scientific understanding of consumer and market well-being
  • Synergy
    We value synergistic and collaborative projects that seek to engage interdisciplinary scholars.
  • Community
    We value our local community, its stakeholders, and diverse perspectives in our research and teaching.

Our Objective

Powered by thought, intent, and action, the MIH is not as much an uprising as it is an evolution of understanding. The MIH brings together industry leaders and field pioneers' to pursue cutting-edge research on issues relevant to individuals and institutions that affect consumer and market well-being. With a chief goal of driving awareness, the MIH enacts change through discovery by providing hands-on learning opportunities and exposure to the real-world studies that produce transformative insights on consumer behavior and impact individuals, businesses, and society.

Our Team

Ron Hill
Kogod School of Business
Kogod - T31
Email Ron Hill

Professor Hill has authored over 200 journal articles, books, chapters, and conference papers on topics that include impoverished consumer behavior, marketing ethics, corporate social responsibility, human development, and public policy, all of which have strong connections to sustainability and marketing.

Outlets for this research are the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Business and Society, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Human Rights Quarterly, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Harvard Business Review. He currently serves as the Vice President of Publications for the American Marketing Association, and he is Editor-in-Chief of the Responsible Research in Business and Management Honor Roll.

More About Ron Hill

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