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Advancing Business Transformation at Marriott with AI

During his summer internship with Marriott International, a Kogod School of Business MBA student rethinks hospitality technology through business transformation.

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Editor’s note: This summer, we’re charting Kogod students’ internship experiences in this special spotlight series. We’re documenting their growth by exploring where they’re interning, why, and how their experiences feed into longer-term goals post-Kogod.

Digital transformation is shifting the face of nearly every industry. As tools like artificial intelligence have proliferated, companies are reimagining their core operations and the employee and customer experience.

This summer, MBA student Ravi Nair is helping advance this innovation at Marriott International, a globally celebrated leader in hotel tech transformation.

As a business transformation intern, Nair is helping map the Marriott associate experience and examine ways to optimize their guest check-in process. He’s also helping launch Marriott’s experience validation lab, the physical space where the company will test these reimagined processes.

Nair notes he was drawn to the role and the company for its focus on innovation and problem-solving.

“I love problem-solving and finding more than one solution to an issue,” Nair says. “So, this technology shift really piqued my interest. I’m also especially excited about the hands-on aspect of the lab. I love collaborating with others.”

Read on to learn more about Nair’s experience so far this summer—and how he plans to channel his new business innovation skills into his MBA degree and beyond.

Kogod: What inspired you to apply for the internship at Marriott?

Ravi Nair: Marriott is going through a massive technology shift right now. They’re working on many operational improvements and enhancements, which piques my interest.

Working for such a big company with a global presence also provides an important opportunity to gain business innovation skills."

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Ravi Nair

MBA Student, Kogod School of Business

The travel and hospitality industry has also always been interesting to me personally.

Could you give us an overview of what your role entails?

I’m working in the business transformation office on the design and innovation team, focusing primarily on the associate experience. We’re mapping process flows to help us understand the different touchpoints that define the associate experience. For example, when guests check into a Marriott hotel, an associate will guide them through many steps—from greeting to helping them settle into a room. We’re working to streamline and automate this process so it’s more efficient.

How does this impact the technology you’re using?

Many Marriott hotels use different systems, meaning the employee and guest experience is varied. Currently, associates must use three different systems to check in a guest. Our technology upgrade will centralize everything into one system so the process is more efficient, faster, and precise.

What are you working on currently?

One of my main projects this summer is helping get Marriott’s experience validation lab up and running. This is the physical space where we will test the processes we’ve been mapping. I enjoy working in a hands-on setting with people. We will eventually bring associates to Marriott’s HQ in Bethesda to test things and make sure we haven’t missed any steps. We also want to have a mobile lab.

What draws you to this type of work?

I love problem-solving and coming up with more than one solution. What are the three different ways we could address this problem? What are all the downstream impacts of each of these choices? What will this choice improve—will it make things better or worse? I love this type of critical thinking and brainstorming with others.

How does this connect to your past and future ambitions?

When I worked at Alight Solutions, I dealt with a lot of data that gave me insight into how we could improve our participants’ experience. Even though their systems are different from Marriott’s, the ideas, concepts, and ways of thinking are very transferable. I am also making things more efficient for people consuming our products and the general user experience.

In what ways has the MBA program helped prepare you this summer?

Many of my classes have already helped me, particularly Professor Wasil’s operations and organizational management class. It was a lot of project planning: How many days will it take to do this? What is the proper buffer time between projects? What can we start at the same time? What's dependent on something else being started? I’m looking forward to building on this experience, too. Next semester, I’ll be getting more into business process analysis and intelligence, and I plan on getting a certificate in data analytics.

At Kogod, we believe we can create a more sustainable world through business. What does this mission mean to you?

There’s an environmental aspect to it, but I think sustainability in business is so much more than this. It’s also the quality of available opportunities.

The stereotypical consultant culture where you work a bajillion hours a week isn’t sustainable."

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Ravi Nair

MBA Student, Kogod School of Business

It’s also what a business does in their community. Do they give back? I think Marriott is especially good with this—they place a big emphasis on community service.