Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative
In the Fall 2018 semester, ASU Project Cities convened 47 Arizona State University students across five classes to collaborate with the City of Glendale on three unique community development projects. Following a fulfilling semester, the PC team is excited to share the completion of our Project Summary Reports which document the experience and provide a digestible, action-oriented guide to the high level strategies and recommendations posed by our students.
The three summary reports highlight the most pertinent and impactful information from 17 distinct student reports, and were developed through numerous rounds of revisions from nine different editors from both ASU and Glendale staff. It is our pleasure to publicly share these summary reports and recap our rewarding partnership with the City of Glendale!
Each class addressed a different research angle for the three final reports: Leveraging Social Media for Community Engagement (research by TWC 422 and 522: Social Media in the Workplace), Building Sustainability into Municipal Facilities (research by SOS/PAF 545: Organizations, Sustainability and Public Policy), and Activating the Next Generation of Community Leaders (research by CPP 201: Community Impact Lab and PAF 509: Public Affairs Capstone).
We would like to also take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to the incredible team whose support made all of this possible:
- Kiana Mays, Project Cities’ Report Writing and Design Aide, and a student in the Masters of Sustainability Solutions program. Mays executed the bulk of the report writing, editing and design process
- Our AMAZING faculty team, who worked directly with the students to guide and mentor throughout the academic process: Nicole Darnall, Laura Tan, Katie Clemmens, Malcolm Goggin and Stephen Carradini
- Our INCREDIBLE community partners at the City of Glendale, without whom this partnership simply would not work: Jean Moreno, Jenna Goad, Brent Stoddard, Amanda McKeever, Vern Baker and Michelle Woytenko
- And a hearty thank-you for additional editing support from Tempe Vice Mayor and Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability Events Director, Lauren Kuby; Sustainable Cities Network Director, Anne Reichman; Project Cities Program Manager, Steve Russell; and ASU Wrigley Institute Associate Editor, Kayla Frost
Please enjoy the final reports via the links below:
- Leveraging Social Media for Community Engagement
- Building Sustainability into Municipal Facilities
- Activating the Next Generation of Community Leaders
Project Cities is a program of the ASU Sustainable Cities Network. Project Cities is also member of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network, administered by ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability.